Who was that doctor?

It happens all the time. A building that has for years been named after someone is suddenly rededicated. A plaque that used to be featured prominently on an item or conference room is unceremoniously relegated to a back hall cluster of similar plaques. Tributes and celebrations to exemplary and pioneering medical careers fade and become replaceable as time passes.
Think differently about the future.
In a time when medicine, dentistry and technology are all advancing at a torrid pace, Delaware’s medical providers need access to educational opportunities that allow them to stay abreast of the latest medical science and public health issues. Providing continuing, high-quality medical education opportunities lie at the heart of the Delaware Academy of Medicine’s mission and existence. For years, the Academy has been creating and hosting conferences and symposia so busy medical professionals can learn about the latest advances in a wide variety of fields and apply them to caring for their patients.
Thanks to individuals and families of Delaware trailblazers in medicine such as L. William Ferris, M.D., Frank M. Hoopes, D.D.S, John W. Maroney, M.D., Robert O.Y. Warren, M.D., the Academy offers annual conferences and symposia in their name on medical and dental topics designed to offer medical practitioners the most up-to-date information on a variety of medical topics. These giants in the Delaware medical community are just a few examples of lasting tributes that continue to educate new medical professionals and maintain the expertise in the practicing health care profession.
You can help current and future medical providers. The Delaware Academy of Medicine manages a number of funds specifically dedicated to funding educational opportunities to advance the medical profession. Creating an educational endowment, properly funded and managed, helps future generations of medical providers obtain the continuing education they need to care for their patients while creating a lasting legacy in honor of a family member or colleague.