Delaware Public Health Association

Policy & Advocacy


Definition: public support for, or recommendation of, a particular cause or policy.

Advocating is one of the most effective ways of getting your voice heard, but figuring out how can be kind of tricky.

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Our Advocacy

The Delaware Academy of Medicine / Delaware Public Health Association advocates for public health in all its many forms.  Our history of advocacy includes:

Delaware Chapter of the American Heart Association House Bill 79Ensuring beverages like water, milk, and 100% juice are the default options offered with children's menus in the City of Wilmington.Written into Delaware Law, 7/17/2019
Delaware Chapter of the American Heart Association and Delaware Chapter of the American Lung AssociationTobacco 21A bill increasing the legal age to buy tobacco products in Delaware to 21.Written into Delaware Law, 4/17/2019
Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Association Plan4HealthIncorporating health into the comprehensive plans for Kent County and Dover.Complete!
Delaware Division of Public HealthImmunization CoalitionIncrease immunization coverage in DelawareOngoing!
Environmental AdvocatesHouse Bill 309

House bill 456
HB 309: prohibits vaping indoors

HB 456: prohibits lead paint on outdoor structures
Clean Indoor Air Act Updated

Written into Delaware Law, 8/29/2018
Working FamiliesHouse Bill 17Paid Sick LeaveMotion to Release Failed
Community Health WorkersSupporting legislation for registration and sustainable funding for CHWs.Ongoing, sustainable funding of CHWs via Medicaid reimbursement.Ongoing
ChristianaCareOpposing Senate Bill 273SB 273: Legalizes the sale and distribution of raw milk and products derived from raw milk.Written into Delaware Law, 9/26/2024