- Increase funding for public health in the State of Delaware;
- Strengthen Delaware’s public health infrastructure and workforce;
- Expand access to quality and affordable health care and services for all Delawareans;
- Address the negative health impacts of climate change in Delaware;
- Protect access to reproductive health care in Delaware;
- Strengthen and uphold public health laws;
- Address the gun violence epidemic by advocating for evidence-based firearm safety laws in Delaware;
- Maintain or improve the immunization rates of children, adolescents, and adults in Delaware;
- Work to legislate community health worker work and repayment;
The Academy/DPHA will also be closely monitoring other important issues including measures to support:
- Universal free meals for students;
- Availability of affordable housing;
- Reducing and eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries;
- Death with dignity legislation;
- Considering the cumulative impacts of environmental pollution when granting environmental permits to industry;
- Decreasing food deserts;
- Increasing procurement of Delaware-grown foods;
- Reducing homelessness;
- Mitigating the effects of opioid use and decreasing opioid overdoses and deaths in the State;
- Equity in policies, systems, and environments that influence the health of all Delawareans.