Delaware Public Health Association

Just Released: County Health Rankings 2025 Data

Discover the latest on the health of Delaware. The 2025 Annual Data Release is here, and includes:

  • A bold new model of health that seeks to broaden our understanding of the forces shaping community conditions;
  • A 2025 report on building power for health and equity;
  • Refreshed County Health Snapshots and trend graphs and a new national map feature that shows regional patterns and comparisons;
  • Six new measures, including access to parks, adverse climate events, lack of social and emotional support, feelings of loneliness, library access and disability: functional limitations; and,
  • Updates to the collection of more than 80 health-related measures and data.

Check it out!

Tell Our Members of Congress

No Cuts to Medicaid!

Medicaid is a lifeline for coverage and a foundational source of economic and health security for 80 million Americans, and a key funding pillar for the doctors and hospitals on which we all rely. The Medicaid program is under threat this Congress and it is critical that you tell your members of Congress NOW that they cannot cut health care for lower income Americans to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.

Congressional Republican leaders have been open about their proposed plans to cut Medicaid, such as:

  • Creating a cap to ensure that states only receive a set amount of federal dollars for each beneficiary, known as a per capita cap;
  • Transforming Medicaid into a block grant program;
  • Eliminating the 90 percent federal match rate for states that have expanded Medicaid;
  • Reducing the regular federal match rate;
  • Cutting or eliminating state use of taxes on health care providers; and,
  • Instituting work reporting requirements as a condition of eligibility for the program, also known as community engagement requirements.

These proposals will have a resounding impact on the ability of American families and workers to access comprehensive, affordable health care.

Fill out a form here to send a message to Senators Coons and Blunt Rochester, and Representative McBride, telling them to take action today, and that any cuts to the Medicaid program are unacceptable!

Let them know

Delaware Division of Public Health Releases 2024 Burden of Chronic Disease Report

Dover, Del. (July 1, 2024) – The Delaware Division of Public Health’s (DPH) Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) Program released The Burden of Chronic Disease in Delaware 2024 report on June 28, 2024. The report summarizes the current state of chronic diseases and related risk factors in Delaware. It is an update to, and expansion of, Chronic Disease in Delaware: Facts and Figures, published in 2019 by DPH’s Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Section.

March Awareness

March is…

Brain Injury Awareness Month –

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month –

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month –

National Kidney Cancer Awareness Month –

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month –

National Myeloma Awareness Month –

National Nutrition Month –

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month-

Women’s History Month-

Endometriosis Awareness Month-



March 9- 15: National Patient Safety Week –

March 9-15: National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week –

March 10-16: Brain Awareness Week –



March 6: National Dentists Day-

March 13: World Kidney Day –

March 22: World Water Day –

March 24: Tuberculosis Awareness Day –

March 25: National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day-

March 30: National Doctor’s Day:

Need more to celebrate? Check out the National Day Holidays and Awareness