Delaware Academy Of Medicine

Delaware Public Health Association

Coming Soon: A New Slate of Officers and Board Members!

Join us at our 95th Annual Meeting, as we induct our new Officers and Board Members for a two-year term!


  • President: Stephen C. Eppes, MD
  • President Elect: Jeffrey M. Cole, DDS, MBA
  • Treasurer: Ann Painter, MSN, RN
  • Secretary: Megan L. Werner, MD, MPH
  • Immediate Past Presdient: Lynn C. Jones, LFACHE


An * indicates those joining the board in 2025.

  • David M. Bercaw, MD
  • Peggy M. Geisler*
  • Jennifer Horney, PhD*
  • Eric T. Johnson, MD
  • Erin M. Kavanaugh, MD
  • Joseph Kelly, DDS
  • Omar A. Khan, MD, MHS
  • Daniel J. Meara, MD, DMD
  • Jonathan Miller, MD*
  • John P. Piper, DO
  • S. John Swanson, MD
  • Charmaine Wright, MD, MSHP


  • Barry Kayne, DDS
  • Joseph Kestner, Jr., MD
  • Brian W. Little, MD, PhD

Tell Our Members of Congress

No Cuts to Medicaid!

Medicaid is a lifeline for coverage and a foundational source of economic and health security for 80 million Americans, and a key funding pillar for the doctors and hospitals on which we all rely. The Medicaid program is under threat this Congress and it is critical that you tell your members of Congress NOW that they cannot cut health care for lower income Americans to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.

Congressional Republican leaders have been open about their proposed plans to cut Medicaid, such as:

  • Creating a cap to ensure that states only receive a set amount of federal dollars for each beneficiary, known as a per capita cap;
  • Transforming Medicaid into a block grant program;
  • Eliminating the 90 percent federal match rate for states that have expanded Medicaid;
  • Reducing the regular federal match rate;
  • Cutting or eliminating state use of taxes on health care providers; and,
  • Instituting work reporting requirements as a condition of eligibility for the program, also known as community engagement requirements.

These proposals will have a resounding impact on the ability of American families and workers to access comprehensive, affordable health care.

Fill out a form here to send a message to Senators Coons and Blunt Rochester, and Representative McBride, telling them to take action today, and that any cuts to the Medicaid program are unacceptable!

Let them know

Vaccine Schedules and VIS

Over the weekend, the CDC’s Vaccine informational webpages became unavailable, to modify them for the Trump Administration’s new guidelines. The Immunization Coalition of Delaware (a program of the Academy) put together some helpful links if you find yourself needing the 2025 Immunization Schedules, or to print out a Vaccine Information …

Delaware Mini Medical School

Registration is now open (click here)!

Wednesday evenings, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (with the exception of May 1st which will be on a Thursday)

April 16th to May 21st (with makeup session on May 28th if needed)
This series done in partnership with Christiana Care. 


  • Wednesday, April 16th –  Unlocking Your Future: Exciting Careers in Healthcare: Presented by Tabassum Salam, MD, Brian Levine, MD, Tamekia Chisholm, MSN, and Liz Masten, PA
  • Wednesday, April 23rd – Tales of Emergency Medicine: Presented by Julie Shamis, MD & Jenna Fredette, MD
  • Thursday, May 1st –  The Case of the Yellowing Man: Presented by Bridget Peters, DO
  • Wednesday, May 7th –  Breathing through barriers: tackling medical complexities locally and globally: Presented by Emmanuel Mensah, MD & Stephanie Guarino, MD
  • Wednesday, May 14th –  The Case of a Woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Not Responding to Typical Treatments: Presented by Devanshu Verma, MD & Amanda Runyon, PharmD
  • Wednesday, May 21st – The Curious Case of a Toothy Ovary: Presented by Mary Iacocca, MD, Thomas Chou, MD, PhD & Shanice Bedassie, PA
  • Wednesday, May 28th Make-up session – ONLY IF NEEDED


Delaware Division of Public Health Releases 2024 Burden of Chronic Disease Report

Dover, Del. (July 1, 2024) – The Delaware Division of Public Health’s (DPH) Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) Program released The Burden of Chronic Disease in Delaware 2024 report on June 28, 2024. The report summarizes the current state of chronic diseases and related risk factors in Delaware. It is an update to, and expansion of, Chronic Disease in Delaware: Facts and Figures, published in 2019 by DPH’s Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Section.

Delaware County Health Rankings 2024

Produced by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, County Health Rankings for 2024 contains valuable data and numerous enhancements to make this report even more valuable to planners, public health professionals, funders, policymakers, and others.  Click here for the most updated Delaware data or visit the website for additional information!


Drexel LeBow Analytics 50

Tech Impact’s Data Innovation Lab and Delaware Academy of Medicine/Delaware Public Health Association Release Interactive Report on Delaware’s Healthforce

A greater understanding of Delaware’s nursing health force enables strategic workforce training and policy recommendations to help ease provider shortage

WILMINGTON, DE (July 17, 2023)The Data Innovation Lab, a division of Tech Impact that accelerates the use of data insights and intelligence to address societal issues, in partnership with the Delaware Academy of Medicine/Delaware Public Health Association (Academy/DPHA), today announced a new report that informs the state of the nursing workforce population as well as strategic decision making and data-driven policy to help mitigate Delaware’s provider shortage. The report, an honoree of the Drexel LeBow Analytics 50, shows visual datasets that provide a better understanding of the current composition and challenges facing the workforce and highlight areas needing providers

“Data integrated from variable sources enabled us to provide upskilling guidance for current nurses to obtain licenses that expand on the services they provide. Specifically, ARPNs play a unique role in the DE healthforce given their prescription and practice authorities independent of a physician,” said Héc Maldonado-Reis, Director, Research Development and Analytics at Tech Impact. “We found that targeting just five percent ​of the current RN population ​to advance their education ​and training could result in ​over 600 new APRNs in the DE health care workforce.” 

Together, the Data Lab and DPHA are now developing a triage system for primary care ​where patients have timely and ​cost-effective access to APRNs who can guide them to specialized care and help ease the provider shortage in Delaware. 

“The Data Lab team has been an invaluable partner in both developing and promoting the reports, which support the Academy/DPHA’s efforts to provide effective health and social care programs within underserved communities,” said Timothy Gibbs, Executive Director of Delaware Academy of Medicine / Delaware Public Health Association. 

The Data Lab and DPHA project was recently selected for a 2023 Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 award for its healthforce report’s data-driven business impact. The Drexel LeBow Analytics 50 is a national recognition of analytics distinction honoring 50 organizations using analytics to solve business challenges. Honorees are selected by a panel of researchers and practitioners who evaluate nominations based on the complexity of the business challenge, the analytics solution implemented, and the solution’s business impact on the organization.

Tech Impact and the Academy/DPHA began the partnership in April 2022. The work has been ongoing ever since and ranges from understanding the chronic disease distributions in Delaware to now understanding the distribution of Delaware’s healthforce, including the nursing healthforce, which was updated with new data as of March 2023. The work is part of a larger ARPA-funded initiative, Delaware Health Force which seeks to understand and remedy healthcare workforce shortages resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Looking ahead, the Data Lab and the Academy/DPHA will collect additional data as nurses and other providers renew their licenses. They plan to partner with policymakers who have influence over the development of affordable higher education nursing programs. 

To learn more about the healthforce reports, visit:

About Tech Impact

Tech Impact is a nonprofit that leverages technology to advance social impact. Our proven workforce training programs and intermediary services prepare our graduates to launch or advance their careers in technology. We strengthen nonprofits through a full spectrum of technological support, giving them the education and services they need to deliver greater impact and help their communities thrive. Learn more at

Media Contact:

Caitlin Wolf
Tech Impact

March Awareness

March is…

Brain Injury Awareness Month –

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month –

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month –

National Kidney Cancer Awareness Month –

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month –

National Myeloma Awareness Month –

National Nutrition Month –

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month-

Women’s History Month-

Endometriosis Awareness Month-



March 9- 15: National Patient Safety Week –

March 9-15: National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week –

March 10-16: Brain Awareness Week –



March 6: National Dentists Day-

March 13: World Kidney Day –

March 22: World Water Day –

March 24: Tuberculosis Awareness Day –

March 25: National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day-

March 30: National Doctor’s Day:

Need more to celebrate? Check out the National Day Holidays and Awareness